Google News wiped out small publishers (Helpful Content)

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  • Under the pretext of the Helpful Content update, Google News took the opportunity to destroy thousands of small publishers who are no longer visible. This is censorship in order to have a search engine as smooth as possible during the next American deadlines.

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    Sous le prétexte de la mise à jour Helpful Content, Google News en a profité pour détruire des milliers de petits éditeurs qui ne sont plus tout visibles. C'est de la censure afin d'avoir un moteur de recherche aussi lisse que possible pendant les prochaines échéances américaines.

    Helpful Content started in mid-September 2023 and ends at the end of the month. The impacts are massive, many sites have lost between 50 to 70% of their traffic. As usual, Google comes out with its usual propaganda to say that we sanction content that is solely designed for SEO and that we put people first. Mouhahaha, the same sons of bitches who talk about SEO optimization all day long, the same scum who spam their shitty ads with Adsense.

    But a strange thing happened. Because Helpful Content penalizes the entire site on ALL Google products. The problem is that this had a huge impact on small publishers in Google News and that was the case for me, I lost 70% of my traffic and as Adsense is already in hell, so I’m thinking of removing all my ads, because it’s not worth it. nothing. Abandon the web and “do a real job” as someone else would say.

    But my site decapitated by Google News is not that impacted in the search engine. I have a drop, certainly, but it is around 10 to 15% and some of my articles even rank quite well after this update. But my site is news, I don’t care about SEO and I don’t produce timeless articles. So my main traffic source is Google News.

    I think that Google News used this Helpful Content as an excuse to penalize and remove thousands of small publishers and give exclusive space to the big, dominant media. We must not forget that we are approaching an electoral deadline in the United States and that the GAFAMs are the main censors in the world. They want to ensure that the propaganda is as massive as possible without giving any space to competing discourse. Because I repeat, if it’s an algorithmic update, it should still have the site on all Google services. And don’t wait for a rollback, Google won’t.

    Google has been stealing from Adsense publishers for at least 3 years, it censors at all costs, it destroys all the sites that do not respect its ideology. What are we waiting for to burn this shit and everyone who works in it?

    Houssen Moshinaly

    Actualité Houssenia Writing's Editor. Copywriter since 2009.

    Blogger and essayist, I have written 9 books on different subjects such as corruption in science, technological singularities or even fictions. I propose political and geopolitical analyzes on the incoming new world. I have a training in web writing and a long career as a proletarian.

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