Adsense : Google Profits Soar, Starving Publishers With Scraps

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  • As Google’s ad revenues rose 11% to $48 billion, publishers saw incomes drop 80-90%. Is Google robbing publishers to fund its own growth?

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    Google recently announced an 11% increase in advertising revenue from search, totaling $48 billion. Meanwhile, publishers have seen incomes plummet 80-90%. My own revenue dropped from $150 to $30 per month. Others making $300 per month are now at $50 – not even enough to meet the payment threshold.

    I’ve been documenting Google’s shady practices all last year. Google keeps posting rising revenues while publishers are reduced to begging. Someone is getting robbed here, and it’s not Google. All AdSense publishers agree 2023 has been the worst year in AdSense history. So where did the money go?

    Some have moved to Ezoic…It’s a real mess, taking over 6 months for site acceptance (mine still isn’t). And with Ezoic, no ads means no revenue. Sites crammed with ads will be penalized by the Helpful Content Update. Worse, everyone stays silent about this. It seems handpicked “trendy blogs” and mass media are grabbing all the profits and told to shut up about this theft.

    Publishers in the US need to file a class action lawsuit against Google to uncover the truth. Get access to its algorithm and revenue split calculations.

    Houssen Moshinaly

    Actualité Houssenia Writing's Editor. Copywriter since 2009.

    Blogger and essayist, I have written 9 books on different subjects such as corruption in science, technological singularities or even fictions. I propose political and geopolitical analyzes on the incoming new world. I have a training in web writing and a long career as a proletarian.

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