Bing Chat sera accessible à tout le monde et ça va faire trembler !

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    Microsoft is releasing a new version of Bing Chat that boasts several exciting features. Available for the first time to anyone who has a Microsoft account and uses Edge, the new version of Bing Chat marks a significant upgrade over earlier versions that limited user access. With the latest version of Bing Chat, users can generate not only text but also images related to their queries. While still powered by AI, the new Bing Chat is connected to a vast database that gives users access to a wealth of content.

    One of the most exciting features of the new Bing Chat is the ability to create a chat history that will be stored in the sidebar of the Edge browser. This means that users can access chat histories from earlier sessions and pick up where they left off. In addition, the latest version of Bing Chat includes chat persistence that allows users to resume previous sessions.

    Another new feature of Bing Chat is the ability to export and share user conversations on social media or with other users. This feature is particularly useful for users who need to share the results of Bing Chat with others.

    The new version of Bing Chat is also available on mobile devices and includes a function called “Compose” that lets users generate emails, CVs, and articles directly from the browser. This is a useful tool for users who need to generate content quickly while on the go.

    The latest version of Bing Chat also includes a new feature called “Edge Actions,” which allows users to execute a wide range of tasks with the help of the AI-powered bot. For example, users can ask Bing Chat to find a restaurant and make a reservation. This functionality is similar to the plugins available on other browsers, but the results are more refined and tailored to individual user needs.

    Perhaps most excitingly, Microsoft is also working on a chat story feature that will allow users to revisit and access their previous conversations. This feature is still a work in progress, but it shows the company’s commitment to creating a better user experience.

    While the latest version of Bing Chat is not without its flaws – some users report that the AI is not always reliable when it comes to translation and article rewriting – it is still an exciting development that will be of interest to many users. With its ability to generate images and execute complex tasks, the new version of Bing Chat is a powerful tool that is worth exploring.

    Ceci est une transcription de nos vidéo Youtube, de ce fait, la retranscription sur certains termes et noms peuvent être erronés.

    Houssen Moshinaly

    Rédacteur en chef d'Actualité Houssenia Writing. Rédacteur web depuis 2009. Blogueur et essayiste, j'ai écrit 9 livres sur différents sujets comme la corruption en science, les singularités technologiques ou encore des fictions. Je propose aujourd'hui des analyses politiques et géopolitiques sur le nouveau monde qui arrive. J'ai une formation de rédaction web et une longue carrière de prolétaire. Pour me contacter personnellement : Whatsapp : +261341854716 Telegram : Mon compte Facebook Mon compte Twitter

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