Linus Tech Tips: Talking nonsense and falsifying data to entertain at all costs

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  • Gamers Nexus has literally ripped Linus Tech Tips to pieces, hasty videos, data tampering, arrogance and generally talking crap just to get views.

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    Gamers Nexus a littéralement réduit Linus Tech Tips en pièces, des vidéos faits à la va vite, falsification des données, arrogance et en général, raconter de la merde juste pour faire des vues.

    If you ask someone what is the biggest tech channel in the world, then they will probably say Linus Tech Tips, about 12 million subscribers, a 100 million dollars empire, gigantic premises and more than 100 people who work to feed a dozen Youtube channels and countless Instagram and Tik Tok accounts. So, a colossal budget and we could expect work close to perfection.

    But in fact, Gamers Nexus demonstrates that Linus Tech Tips has been doing shit for months. The videos are shot in a hurry without checking the tests, the benchmarks don’t make sense in several videos and you have the arrogance of Linus Tech Tips, which is his trademark, which has destroyed several companies because “him ” from the top of his ivory tower, said that their products were crap and since he is the “biggest tech youtuber”, then he must be right.

    What’s terrible is that a lot of tech reviewers are inspired by LTT’s videos and these looping errors come from recent changes to the group. They decided to launch several YT channels at the same time and chain the content to create buzz and therefore neglect quality.

    I could never fault Linus Tech Tips, to me he’s an arrogant asshole who knows nothing about Tech, but knows how to entertain. And the problem is there, it is that it makes millions of views, not because it behaves like a Linus Torvald, but rather like Logan Paul. He’s a buffoon and we know that entertainment gets views. But in this case, he must stop saying that everything he says has been tested in his laboratories.

    He could tell the worst bullshit in the world if he was just another moron like we see on Tik Tok. But since it is Ze Reviewer Tech, it fools millions of people by telling them that such product is good when it is not and such product is crap when it is Linus Tech Tips methodology who stinks of shit.

    The first example is a copper graphics card cooler supplied to them by a small company. The company made it clear that this cooler was not compatible with RTX 4090 cards and yet Linus Tech Tips made sure to force GPU usage on this cooler, for the pretext of publishing an incendiary video and to destroy a small business. And this type of bad publicity is fatal for those companies that have one or two products in prototype.

    The worst part is that when the brand wanted this product returned to them, Linus Tech Tips got out of the way because they sold it at auction… without notifying the brand. Which meant that a competing company was able to put on this bargain-priced cooler exclusively because of little tech dudes who think they’re the kings of the world.

    And the second example shows all the stupidity and amateurism with which the videos are made. This concerned the test of a mouse. And in the video, the mouse friction sucks, which prompts the reviewer to say that the product sucks and should not be bought… except that he forgot to remove the cellophane under the mouse before testing it! Well yes, stupid, it’s sure that the mouse will not adhere well if you forgot to remove the fucking packaging!

    And the worst is, it’s perfectly demonstrated by Gamers Nexus is that rather than acknowledging their mistakes, Linus Tech Tips and his group will constantly drown the fish to avoid acknowledging that they are no longer competent in what they do and that they behave more like clowns than real reviewers. So, in the case of this mouse, LTT said that it’s the brand’s fault if the cellophane was too discreet and therefore, it’s a negative point. But you moron, you never said in the video that there was cellophane. You didn’t notice it because you filmed the thing on the fly.

    The bottom line is that if you’re making tech purchases based on the Linus Tech Tips videos, forget about it right away. Old habits are the best. You have to watch 4 or 5 different tests, both written and video, to form an opinion.

    Houssen Moshinaly

    Actualité Houssenia Writing's Editor. Copywriter since 2009.

    Blogger and essayist, I have written 9 books on different subjects such as corruption in science, technological singularities or even fictions. I propose political and geopolitical analyzes on the incoming new world. I have a training in web writing and a long career as a proletarian.

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