The vape surrounded in EU

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  • Vape is more and more banned in European countries. Soon the situation will be worse than in the United States.

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    Vape is more and more banned in European countries. Soon the situation will be worse than in the United States.

    Lithuania is the umpteenth country to ban flavored liquids. The Netherlands, a nation of drug addicts and tax evaders, had announced the launch of stupidness at the end of 2020. Germany has taxed its liquids and a ban could come as early as October, depending on the elections. If the Greens, assholes incarnate, win a lot of votes, then they will be able to impose their rotten agenda.

    TPD cannot be fought. It was already voted on in 2016 and today we only have to make changes to achieve the desired result, ban all vaping at EU level. Anti-vaping fascism is gaining momentum with Big Pharma maneuvering to publish rotten study after rotten study to have a result similar to that of the US.

    This time, the Europeans will bite the dust, because the only ones, who saved the vaping in 2016, the english, left for much freer skies. And at home, vaping is more relaxed than ever, as it is their main tool in reaching the UK smoke-free goal in 2035.

    French vaping is useless, its community is useless. He continues to speak in her press releases and her associations, working more for public recognition, by a power that spews out vapers through all the pores of her skin rather than organizing real resistance. Like pigeons pecking in a yard, thinking their cries are going to be useful. By kowtowing, it’s no wonder you are taken for a doormat. When you see pro-vaping associations, which already condition vape shops and vapers, to pay European taxes, we can say that there are slaps that get lost.

    As I wrote in my book, no government can be pro-vaping, too much money at stake. France has 16 billion reasons to bury vaping under the rug. And the attacks are on the increase. Two French deputies, whose butt flaring by Big Pharma bills is more convincing than their intellectual faculties, have asked for a ban on French liquids.

    The EU will use the same circular orgy the WHO has done to ban vaping. Countries are banning e-liquids because the EU considers them dangerous. The EU is going to say that the individual country bans are proof that liquids are dangerous and we are in a happy mess.

    In 2016, a survivalist vape movement was born in France. They were quickly sidelined by the “kind, well-meaning vapers” to avoid being seen as anti-Semites and kitten cutthroats. These survivalist vapers stocked enough before 2016 never to be worried about TPD. For only servile and stupid people can obey stupid laws. We had called them extremists, 5 years later, they can bask the pill in the sun by vaping 50 mg while the others can go back to the cigarette.

    As I always say, #stockpile or emigrate to UK.

    Houssen Moshinaly

    Actualité Houssenia Writing's Editor. Copywriter since 2009.

    Blogger and essayist, I have written 9 books on different subjects such as corruption in science, technological singularities or even fictions. I propose political and geopolitical analyzes on the incoming new world. I have a training in web writing and a long career as a proletarian.

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